When You’ll Start Making Money with Fletching in OSRS

Fletching is one of the fastest skills to train in OSRS, and it can be a decent money-maker at higher levels. Early on, you won’t make much profit, but the skill is easy to level, and within just a few hours, you can reach level 50—the point where small profits begin. From there, the real money-making methods unlock as you progress toward higher-tier bows and ammunition.

Leveling Up Quickly (1–50 Fletching)

The early levels of Fletching fly by with simple, cheap methods:

  • Levels 1–10: Arrow shafts (Fast XP, no profit)
  • Levels 10–25: Regular Longbows (Unstrung)
  • Levels 25–40: Oak Longbows (Unstrung)
  • Levels 40–50: Willow Longbows (Unstrung)

By level 50, you’ll have invested very little GP and can finally start to break even or make a small profit.

The First Profitable Fletching Method (Level 50+)

Once you reach level 50, you can start fletching Maple Shortbows and selling them for a small profit. While the margins aren’t huge, it’s the first step toward making money with Fletching. If you string the bows (using Bow Strings), you can often earn a little more, but this also depends on market prices.

Bigger Profits at Higher Levels

As you continue leveling up, much better money-making opportunities unlock:

1. Yew Longbows (Level 70+)
  • Unstrung Profit: Small but steady
  • Strung Profit: Decent profit per bow
  • High Alching: If prices are good, alching Yew Longbows with Nature Runes can be a self-sustaining method.
2. Magic Longbows (Level 85+)
  • One of the best ways to profit with Fletching.
  • Selling strung bows on the Grand Exchange or High Alching them can yield consistent profits.
3. Dragon Bolts & Rune Bolts (Level 84+)
  • Fletching Dragonstone, Ruby, or Diamond-tipped bolts can be very profitable, depending on demand.
  • Used frequently in PvP and PvM, meaning steady turnover.

Overall, you’ll barely start making a profit at level 50 with Maple Shortbows, but the real money-making potential comes at level 70+ with Yew Longbows and level 85+ with Magic Longbows and Dragon Bolts. If you stick with Fletching, it’s an easy, semi-AFK skill that turns into a solid gold-making method as you level up.