Essential Tips to Make Easy GP on the Grand Exchange

Flipping on the Grand Exchange is one of the best ways to make consistent, risk-free GP in RuneScape. By buying items low and selling them high, you can generate steady profits without relying on combat or skilling. However, successful flipping requires more than just guessing prices—it’s about understanding market trends, picking the right items, and managing your cash efficiently. In this guide, I’ll cover the top tips every flipper should know to maximize their profits.

1. Start with High-Volume Items

If you’re new to flipping, high-volume items like runes, ores, and food are the safest way to start. These items trade in bulk, meaning your offers will fill quickly with minimal risk. Examples include:
Nature Runes – Used for High Alchemy, always in demand.
Death Runes – Essential for combat spells, stable margins.
Coal & Iron Ore – Consistently bought by smiths and skillers.

Tip: Stick to items that trade in the millions daily, as they have steady demand and price fluctuations.

2. Always Test Buy/Sell Margins

Before flipping an item, you need to check the buy and sell prices to know the profit margin. Do this by:

  1. Buying one unit of the item at a high price.
  2. Selling it back at the lowest price.
  3. The difference between the two prices is your profit margin per item.

For example, if you buy a Death Rune for 174 GP and sell it instantly for 171 GP, your margin is 3 GP per rune—making it a solid flip in bulk.

3. Avoid Overpaying – Let Your Offers Fill

Many new flippers chase the market by placing buy orders too high or selling too low out of impatience. Instead, place your buy order below the lowest seller’s price and let it fill over time. This keeps profits steady and predictable rather than rushed and inconsistent.

Tip: If an item isn’t filling within 10-15 minutes, you can adjust your offer slightly—but never panic buy or sell!

4. Use Overnight Flipping for Bigger Profits

Some of the best flips happen while you’re offline. Prices often shift overnight, allowing you to:

  • Buy items at a lower price when demand drops.
  • Sell them at a premium when players log in the next day.

Best items for overnight flipping:
Dragon Bones – Used for Prayer training, always fluctuates.
Zulrah Scales – Steady demand but price swings overnight.
Herbs & Potions – Supply varies, creating big profit gaps.

5. Manage Your GP Wisely – Don’t Tie It Up in One Item

A common mistake is putting all your money into one flip. If that item takes too long to sell, your GP is stuck, limiting your ability to make more trades. Instead:

  • Split your money across 3-5 different items to keep cash flowing.
  • Use 50-70% of your bank for flipping and keep the rest for gameplay.
  • Reinvest profits to scale up and flip higher-value items over time.


Flipping is one of the most reliable, risk-free ways to make GP in RuneScape. By focusing on high-volume items, testing margins, placing smart offers, and diversifying your flips, you can steadily build wealth with minimal effort. Start small, stay patient, and soon you’ll be making millions of GP daily with the right flipping strategies!